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Clinical Trial Recruitment and Screening

Often, the hardest part of developing a product is finding the right participants for clinical trials.  Delays in trial recruitment are a common issue and delay bringing a needed new treatment to patients. How do you reach qualified patients and facilitate their participation in your trial? SmartPharma can help.

Through our wholly owned subsidiary, SP Studies, we identify, survey and conduct pre-screening interviews to qualify potential study participants and refer them to your clinical sites. We are different from other recruiting services because our team of pharmacists uses a personal approach to reach out and contact potential patients for your study.

Our goal is to ensure we refer well-vetted, viable study candidates that are likely to be qualified and a good fit for your study.

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Through our grassroots approach, SmartPharma casts lines to potential clinical study patients in several ways, whether through relevant social media environments or other effective digital mediums.

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Direct Outreach via Patient Support/Advocacy Groups and Social Media

SmartPharma identifies individuals and groups on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, blogs, etc., and reaches out directly to inform potential patients about a clinical trial.

We also work to develop relationships with advocacy groups to enlist their help in recruitment. In addition, we supplement these personal elements with targeted digital advertising to identify a study’s audience on a broad scale.

By tapping into support group networks, and addressing specific demographics, interests and other information through digital advertising, we identify potential participants who are not in the database of study sites or contract research organizations.

We engage the interest of potential participants by meeting them where they hang out or where they are searching for information or support.

Man on bike in the woods

Finding the RIGHT Candidates

SmartPharma strives to ensure that all potential participants who are referred through our recruitment efforts are viable candidates for the study — not just random people found on the internet.

We take the time to vet all individuals who meet the criteria, and assure they are interested and willing and are likely to qualify for your study. We pride ourselves on our highly customized, personalized and professional approach.

Man taking his prescription pills

Experts in Clinical Trial Participant Screening

Our SmartPharma consultants work with clients to determine the target participants for their studies and design a custom program to reach that desired audience by creating personal connections.

Let us take on the heavy lifting of gathering potential candidates so that you can complete the studies necessary to advance your product development.

The SP Studies Difference

  • Our recruiting platform eliminates many of the elements that deter potentially interested people from digging deeper to learn about your trial. Call us to learn more.

  • Each study uses a custom site for an initial screening survey. We do not collect patient information to market to other companies for other studies.

  • Our patient contact team is made up exclusively of pharmacists trained in direct patient interactions. This ensures all recruitment efforts are implemented with a sensitive, personal touch that ultimately leads to more valuable and credible candidates.

  • Each trial recruiting project is a custom solution, created specifically for the trial and investigational product.

How Hard Will It Be to Recruit for Your Trial?

Protocol written, discussions had, additions to inclusion and exclusion criteria? How restrictive are those criteria?

SmartPharma offers customized patient-focused surveys, using the same recruitment tools described so that you really know how many potential patients met the criteria of your protocol. This research can help you plan your trial schedule and eliminate surprises on the speed of trial recruitment. Ask us how.

Why SmartPharma For Your Clinical Studies Support?

We have decades of industry experience and are focused on building long-lasting relationships with our clients. Many of our clients have worked with us for years, and we’ve become their transparent, reliable partner in product development and commercialization support. And now, we have added clinical trial recruitment support.

If you need assistance with a clinical study that has stalled or are planning a new trial and want early, proactive patient recruiting support, contact us today to schedule a consultation and to learn more about our approach.

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